Maine’s U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin, R-2nd District, was reportedly among a group of eight Republican House members who were at the White House on Monday as part of the GOP’s effort to revive health care legislation that faltered last month before getting a congressional vote.

Poliquin spokesman Brendan Conley declined on Wednesday to comment specifically on the reported meeting or Poliquin’s role in the discussions, instead saying only that the 2nd District congressman “is continuing to push and emphasize the importance of supporting those nearing retirement — ages 60 to 64 — and those in rural areas in any proposed health care solution.”

“About six percent of those insured in Maine are on health care plans from the ACA, known as ObamaCare,” Conley said in a statement, “and with nearly 87 percent of those receiving services from Anthem, which reportedly is dropping their ObamaCare policies, and Community Health Options, which is shaky from losing more than $50 million so far, it is clear something must be done on the ACA’s failures right here in Maine.”

Poliquin and the others met Monday for roughly an hour and a half with Vice President Mike Pence, chief of staff Reince Priebus, Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney and Andrew Bremberg, the director of White House domestic policy, according to a story by The Huffington Post.

The White House, seeking to make changes to the GOP health care proposal in order to revive it, met with the moderates and conservatives individually to discuss the agreement. The changes, according to The Huffington Post report, include insurers no longer having to offer plans to people with pre-existing conditions, which would violate a promise from Trump.

Poliquin has refused to take a formal stance on the House GOP health legislation, even just hours before House Speaker Paul Ryan ultimately called off a vote on the bill March 24 when it became clear there wasn’t enough Republican support. Conley has said only that Poliquin would monitor the legislation as it evolves.


In a statement days before the House health bill vote was called off, Poliquin said he had met with Trump at the White House and urged him and House leadership to push for increased benefits for those nearing retirement and families living in rural areas. Poliquin said at the time he wanted “to ensure that rural Mainers and those ages 50 to 64 will be able to buy policies under the American Health Care Act,” which was the name of the proposed health care overhaul by Republicans.

Since the failed effort to bring the health legislation to a vote, Poliquin reportedly has been among the Trump administration’s liaisons trying to bridge the partisan divide on the issue. The Boston Globe reported last week that Poliquin first approached at least one Democratic colleague, Rep. Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts, in the hope of setting up a meeting with White House officials to discuss bipartisan approaches to creating jobs and repairing roads, bridges and other infrastructure.

In addition to Poliquin, The Huffington Post reported the White House met House Energy and Commerce Chairman Greg Walden of Oregon, and six other Republicans from the Tuesday Group who had supported the health care legislation ― Chris Collins of New York, Rodney Davis and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Tom MacArthur of New Jersey, Martha McSally of Arizona, and Pat Tiberi of Ohio — to ensure potential changes to the bill wouldn’t lose their votes.

The new agreement, while nowhere near an official proposal, would technically still offer regulations regarding insurers providing plans to those with pre-existing conditions. The Huffington Post reported that “the idea is that the House bill would now allow states to opt out of ‘community rating’ regulations, which compel insurers to offer plans at the same rate for sick people.”

This would allow insurers to charge high fees for those with pre-existing conditions while also offering plans that don’t offer key services, such as maternity care, hospitalization or laboratory services.

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