I went to the Warming Center in Augusta, also known as Bridging the Gap, for years. We were subjected to all manner of rudeness, racism, threats, and thefts. My car keys were stolen, costing me $300 to replace, plus tow.

Big money is at stake for grants, incomes and power over other wherein blind eyes are turned away from internal abuses. Police were called many times by me and others, yet the director says no police were ever called. Spillover into Lithgow meant bans there on troublesome patrons.

I saw homeless sleep on grounds after hours, urinate, defecate, blow smoke at me, and take food and clothing for themselves to sell. I saw trash, glass, cigarette butts, and other litter all over from patrons.

People are Pollyannish thinking these church businesses are pristine and do no wrong, when they coddle criminals, but eject a good man such as myself. They have a corporate attitude for the bottom-line dollar, with little tolerance for those who don’t fit in.

George Stanley


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