WATERVILLE — The City Council on Tuesday will review a list of $4.4 million worth of capital improvement requests, including $1 million for Main Street improvements, $1.5 million for the municipal pool and other amounts for vehicles and equipment.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. and is accessible for public viewing via a link on the city’s website, waterville-me.gov.

The council will not vote Tuesday on whether to approve the list of capital improvement requests, but likely will vote at the council’s next meeting, according to City Manager Michael Roy.

Roy said Monday that a council finance committee which includes Council Chairman Erik Thomas, D-Ward 7, councilors Mike Morris, D-Ward 1, and Sydney Mayhew, R-Ward 4, and Mayor Nick Isgro, met with Roy on Thursday to discuss the proposed capital improvements to be presented Tuesday to the full council. He said he does not know if the committee will recommend the council approve all of the items on the list.

Those the council approves will be part of a 2020 bond — funds that will be borrowed this year.

In addition to $1.5 million for the municipal pool and $1 million for Main Street reconstruction, the list includes requests for  $250,000 to build a firearms training range for the police department, $500,000 for Trafton Road reconstruction, $585,000 for public works equipment, $300,000 for fire department building repairs and $300,000 for Robert LaFleur Municipal Airport paving. The original department requests totaled $7.3 million, but Roy recommends $4.4 million be approved.

In other matters, the council is scheduled to discuss debt service and a budget adoption timeline.

Councilors also will consider taking a final vote to accept and appropriate a $41,186 coronavirus grant from the Department of Justice U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance for law enforcement technology and equipment purchases; taking a final vote to approve a lease option with MEVS LLC for a solar facility adjacent to the airport; and recognizing June as Maine Pride Month.

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