I am voting for Shenna Bellows to represent Senate District 14 (Chelsea, Farmingdale, Gardiner, Hallowell, Manchester, Monmouth, Pittston, Randolph, Readfield, West Gardiner and Winthrop). Shenna is an experienced legislator with a great track record on the environment, education and supporting working families.

Shenna was recently awarded a perfect score by the Maine Conservation Voters for her votes to preserve Maine’s natural resources and investments in clean energy. Preserving Maine’s environment is important to our economy and the health and well-being of its citizens. Shenna voted to increase Maine’s reliance on clean renewable energy from 40 to 50% by 2030, helping to reduce climate change impacts and creating clean, well-paying jobs in Maine. Shenna also supported solar legislation that will increase solar energy availability for Maine schools, municipalities and residences and assuring that moderate and low income households have access to this energy.

If you live in the Senate District 14, check out Shenna’s record supporting working families and Maine’s environment and join me in sending her back for another term.

Norm Rodrigue

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