Let’s just say that firemen spent the morning putting out two house fires. Later, in the afternoon, they arrived to put out a fire at your house. Five minutes after arriving, they get their equipment set up to extinguish your fire. Then they said, “We’ve been fighting fires all day and we’re fatigued. I guess we’ll all go home.” So your house burns to the ground. Three of your pets die.

What would you think of those firefighters? Would you give them your most sincere thanks? I think not.

This is tantamount to what Mayor Jay Coelho did, according to the Morning Sentinel, when he said that everyone agrees that everyone’s COVID-fatigued. Now he wants the City Council to meet in person instead of remotely, making meetings safer. I guess because COVID’s been around a long time , the mayor is tired of fighting COVID, just as the firefighters are tired of fighting fires.

Like Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

Peter P. Sirois


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