Vassalboro Scouting Pack 410 and Troop 410 held a Flag Day Ceremony on June 11 with American Legion Post 126 Vassalboro at St. Bridget’s Center, that included the retirement of Colors collected from across the town. Front from left are Tiger Cub Lux Reynolds and Sister Lilah Reynolds. Second row from left are Bear Cub Maxsim LaCroix, Bear Cub Tucker Lizzotte, Tiger Cub Sam Madison, Tiger Cub John Gray and Tiger Cub Declan McLaughlin. Third row from left are Webelos/AOL Elliot Rafuse, Webelos William Vincent, Webelos Christopher Santiago, Webelos Hunter Brown, Bear Cub Eli Richmond and Bear Cub Henry Gray. Back row from left are American Legion Post 126 Adjutant Jim Kilbride, American Legion Post 126 Commander Tom Richard, Star Scout and Senior Patrol Leader Cole Fortin, First Class Scout Michael Dellinger, Cubmaster Christopher Santiago and Scoutmaster Stephen Polley. Submitted photo
Vassalboro Scouting Pack 410 and Troop 410 held a Flag Day Ceremony on June 11 with American Legion Post 126 Vassalboro at St. Bridget’s Center, that included the retirement of Colors collected from across the town.
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