Some teachers at South Portland High School say they are worried prosecutors and school administrators aren’t giving them enough information about an alleged threat to the school. Derek Davis/Staff Photographer
Note: This story has been updated to remove the name of the juvenile suspect, who was found not guilty of solicitation for murder on July 16, 2024.
“Locks, lights, out of sight.”
South Portland High School teachers had been trained in the district’s lockdown protocol if faced with a threat. But that did little to stem the pulse of adrenaline they felt on Sept. 29 when word came to lock their doors, turn off their lights and move their students to the corner of the room, where they might be shielded if the worst were to happen.
For over an hour, teachers and students sat silently in the dark, checking their phones for updates from the world outside. Eventually, they learned that the “suspicious individual” police had arrested outside was a teenager with a replica airsoft gun. They said he wasn’t dangerous. But before teachers got the all-clear, it was hard not to wonder whether the threats that have loomed over the district since April were finally becoming reality.
Several high school teachers, speaking on the condition of anonymity out of fear for their safety and of losing their jobs, said last Friday’s lockdown was just the latest in a series of events that have rattled the community. Staff members say they are frustrated with what they see as the district’s lack of transparency about how it’s responding to the pending criminal charges against a 17-year-old student who prosecutors say tried to recruit another person to help kill students, teachers and staff.
“It’s unsettling,” one teacher said. “We’re all on edge.”
Prosecutors and school administrators have countered that they’re hampered by what juvenile laws allow them to share.
Though the teen’s identity was not made public until months after a SWAT team raided his home in April and seized several high-powered rifles, people around the high school say they knew it was him almost immediately. Multiple teachers said they weren’t surprised to learn he was the teenager who, according to South Portland police Chief Dan Ahern, had threatened to “cause serious harm to individuals and groups using specific weapons.”
The teenager is a talented student, but he styles himself as an outsider within the fairly liberal district, some teachers said. He is known for making statements tinged with far-right rhetoric and for wearing an iron cross – a symbol worn by Nazi soldiers that has since been co-opted by both white supremacists and motorcycle groups. (He and his father both ride motorcycles.)
His father was was also arrested during the April raid and charged with trying to obstruct police from arresting him and his son.
Teachers say they were shaken when Ahern told News Center Maine that police had likely stopped a violent attack on the community. They hoped to learn more about what police believed the teen was planning at a pair of virtual meetings organized by Superintendent Tim Matheney a little more than a week after the raid.
Instead, several teachers say, district leadership downplayed the threats in a way that seemed incongruent with Ahern’s statements. Matheney repeatedly said the student had been charged with arson (for an unrelated incident, court records suggest) and that no one in the school had ever been in danger. But this didn’t make sense to many teachers – why the SWAT raid and the FBI involvement if there hadn’t been serious threats?
“He treated it as if people were just creating all these rumors and fearmongering and that we were making it all up,” one teacher said.
Teachers who spoke with the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram questioned why they hadn’t been alerted to a potential threat. If the student was dangerous enough to arrest that Wednesday, was the school really safe on Monday and Tuesday when he had been in class? Others wanted a guarantee that he wouldn’t be allowed back in the building. They grew frustrated when Matheney did not provide specific answers.
“It was, ‘Absolutely nothing to see here,’ ” another teacher said. “You knew you were being lied to.”
Matheney said in a phone interview Thursday that his office has done as much as possible to keep staff informed, but even he doesn’t know much about the evidence against the student because of laws that seal most information about juvenile cases.
He said he does not know all of the conditions of the teen’s release but has been assured by police, prosecutors and District Judge Peter Darvin that the teenager is not currently a danger to the school. He said law enforcement is legally required to inform school districts if they believe a threat is imminent – a warning he said his office did not receive in April or any time since.
“I know the availability of information … has been frustrating to many of us,” Matheney said. “But at the very least, it has been our clear intention to listen as carefully and as openly to our staff members as possible.”
But without specific explanations about the teen’s charges, his release conditions and why authorities are so confident that he is not a threat, teachers say they and their students remain anxious – especially in the wake of several events last month.
First was a report in the Press Herald that named the teen and listed a new set of charges prosecutors had filed against him: Class A criminal solicitation for murder and another count of arson, along with a lesser terrorizing charge. Students, faculty and staff were all listed as potential targets. It marked the first official confirmation that authorities believed the student had been plotting an attack against the school.
Principal Scott Tombleson told staff in an email shared with the newspaper that he was “rattled” by the news. But teachers say that wording rang hollow after the district’s leadership spent the spring downplaying their concerns.

South Portland Superintendent Tim Matheney said his office has done as much as possible to keep staff informed, but even he doesn’t know much about the evidence against a student because of laws that seal most information about juvenile cases. Derek Davis/Staff Photographer
At an emergency staff meeting the morning that word of the new charges broke, teachers said some staff members were visibly angry with Matheney and Tombleson, whom they saw as more interested in controlling a narrative than supporting teachers.
“We’re about to go teach kids in an hour who’ve just read the word ‘murder’ in a headline,” one teacher remembered thinking. “I think we need to be able to talk about this on a human level.”
Tensions escalated again on Sept. 27 when the teen rode his motorcycle past a group of students who were walking outside for gym class, then circled back and tried to speak to a student at Red’s Dairy Freeze, according to several teachers who later learned of the incident. They said the teenager quickly drove off after a teacher asked him to leave the group.
Mark Peltier, one of the suspect’s defense attorneys, said the teenager had received an invitation to Red’s from a friend and he left when he realized she was with a group of students.
“As with so much of this case, what the public has been led to believe and what actually occurred are very far apart,” he said. “Unfortunately, this case has been subject to so much speculation and rumor. (My client) has never posed a risk to anyone, and that remains the case today.”
Yet word of the encounter quickly circulated among students and staff, many of whom had assumed the teenager would not be free to roam the streets during the school day. If he could go to Red’s, then what was stopping him from putting a hoodie on and sneaking into the school?
Several teachers say those thoughts were echoing through their heads as they sat in lockdown two days later. Police later said the student who was arrested during Sept. 29 lockdown had no connection to the suspect.
Cumberland County District Attorney Jackie Sartoris has refused to share the exact conditions of the teen’s release.
She told a reporter last week that while she is free to share that information with the victims named in the case – all students, teachers and staff at South Portland High School, as well as parents of students under 18 – juvenile privacy laws prevent her from directly discussing it with other members of the public.
Yet that information has not been widely shared with the victims either. Teachers who spoke with the newspaper said the only hints they have about the student’s release conditions have come in a few emails shared by the district.
Hours after the incident at Red’s, Matheney wrote in an email to staff that he and the district’s lawyer would lobby prosecutors to strengthen protections against the teen.
“As a district, we have a right to the kind of learning environment that you and our students deserve, and our attorneys will be pointedly arguing that tomorrow,” he wrote.
A letter Sartoris sent to faculty, staff and students a day later specifies that the teenager is barred from being on school property.
She wrote that her office pushed to have the suspect detained at the Long Creek Youth Development Center, but a judge allowed his release. Sartoris said prosecutors would again argue for his detention, or at the least that he also be barred from going near the high school and contacting students, faculty and staff engaging in school activities outside of the grounds during school hours.
Sartoris said she sympathizes with frustrated school staff members and parents, but said Matheney and his team have themselves had little information about the specifics of the case from its inception. Prosecutors could not have provided any details any earlier without breaking privacy laws, which could put the outcome of the case at risk, she said.
“We’re all doing our best in a situation we did not create,” she said. “I perfectly understand that this is a source of tremendous frustration to the community. We just want to be super careful never to jeopardize the prospects of this case.”
The teenager is expected to make his initial appearance in Portland Juvenile Court on Oct. 19 at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will be public, and prosecutors will ask the judge to allow remote access to the courtroom so that members of the school community who fear for their safety can attend without revealing their identities to the defendant.
Eventually, the evidence will be heard, Sartoris said.
In the meantime, South Portland teachers say they will continue to try to put on a brave face for students, even as they grapple with the fear that Matheney and Sartoris agree has become all too common in American classrooms.
“Not to be dramatic, but (teaching) is a lot on an easy day. Going and thinking you might die makes the day a little more difficult,” one teacher said. “But hey, learn your calculus. None of it adds up.”
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