As a former school board member of a neighboring community and Augusta native, I am writing to express my support for Aaron Kregenow as a candidate for the school board. My daughter is a recent graduate of Cony, so I understand the system there well. I believe Aaron’s passion for education and dedication to our students make him the perfect choice for this important role.

He is committed to providing the best possible learning environment for all students and has a track record of seeking out innovative solutions to improve educational outcomes.

Aaron’s leadership experience makes him well-suited for the board. His ability to collaborate, make informed decisions, and effectively manage teams will be invaluable. He is also a skilled communicator who actively listens to diverse perspectives and values input from all stakeholders.

Furthermore, Aaron’s commitment to fiscal responsibility ensures that our district’s resources will be utilized efficiently to benefit our students.

I ask you to support Kregenow in the Nov. 7 election.


Theresa Parquette-Guerrette


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