Question 6 begs the question why three sections of Article X of the Maine constitution have been omitted from the printed version since 1876. Some believe it was an effort to “clean up” the constitution. Others believe it was an effort to hide the states’ obligations to Wabanaki nations.

To me, the reason for the omission is irrelevant. If it was an effort to skirt our obligations, we now have an opportunity to stand by our values: we are inclusive, trustworthy, and we keep our promises, old and new.

If the omission was an effort to “clean up” obsolete section, we should now recognize the state’s obligations to Tribal Nations deserve equal standing with the rest of the constitution.

No matter what they believe about why these sections aren’t printed, I hope that my fellow Mainers will join me in voting “Yes” to restore these sections to print on Nov. 7.


Jeff Bates


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