Eagle Scouts Christopher Kirby, left, and Macgyver Blundon make the Scout Sign during the ceremony. Submitted photo

Friends, family, Scouts and local veterans honored Christopher Kirby and Macgyver Blundon at their Eagle Scout ceremony, held Feb. 10 at the Winthrop American Legion Hall. They are not only both Eagles and both members of Winthrop Troop 604, but also brothers who live in Monmouth and attend Monmouth Academy.

With Eagle Scouts, in front, Christopher Kirby and Macgyver Blundon, back from left are American Legion Adjutant Robert Dawson, finance chair and Troop 604 charter representative David Glidden, and American Legion Commander Colin Hewitt. Submitted photo

“Today we have the honor and pleasure of recognizing these two fine young men for their award of Eagle Scout. Their parents and Scout leaders have labored long and faithfully to develop them towards responsible citizenship through the Scout Program. Their efforts now culminate in the presentation of the Eagle Award,” said David Glidden, who served as master of ceremonies, according to a news release from Chuck Mahaleris, district chairman for the Kennebec Valley District of Scouting.

The Eagle Scout medals were pinned on their uniforms by their parents Jamie and Robert Blundon. In addition, the Scouts also received an Eagle Scout Palm for every five merit badges beyond the required 21 necessary to earn the Eagle Scout rank.

Kirby, 15, has earned 41 merit badges and has earned four palms: two Bronze, one Silver and one Gold. Blundon, 17, has earned 28 merit badges and received a Bronze Palm. They can continue to earn merit badges until they turn 18.

As both are still youth members in Scouting, they are taking on new leadership positions. Scoutmaster Samantha Doody-Remington presented Kirby with the Troop Guide patch as he took on the role of working with new Scouts; Blundon received the duties of junior assistant Scoutmaster. When he turns 18, he will be eligible to become an assistant Scoutmaster.


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