I am writing in fervent support of Cassie Julia, a distinguished candidate who stands as a strong advocate for women’s reproductive rights, and is running for Maine state representative in House District 65. Cassie’s commitment to this cause surpasses that of her opponent, Bruce White, painting a stark contrast in their perspectives on reproductive freedom and equality.

Cassie Julia’s dedication extends beyond politics. It’s a testament to her unwavering belief in a society where every individual’s reproductive rights are respected and upheld. Her advocacy is centered on the crucial principle of women’s autonomy over their bodies, and the power to make their own health decisions, a fundamental pillar of gender equality.

In these challenging times, when these rights are often threatened, it is essential to throw our collective support behind leaders like Cassie. Leaders who prioritize the advancement of justice and rights for all, with a particular emphasis on reproductive rights.

Spencer Krigbaum


(The writer is a member of the Waterville School Board.)

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