Forest Hills High School in Jackman recognizes four students inducted into the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society. From left are Carroll Frigon, Allison Dunning, Addison Chaisson and Connor Achey. Submitted photo

JACKMAN — Forest Hills High School has named Connor Achey (Dennistown, class of 2024), Addison Chaisson (Jackman, class of 2026), Allison Dunning (Jackman, class of 2025) and Carroll Frigon (Moose River, class of 2026) its newest members of the National Honor Society.

An induction ceremony was held at Sky Lodge in Moose River on May 7. Members were selected by the chapter’s Faculty Council for meeting high standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character.

“We are very proud to recognize these outstanding members of our student body. National Honor Society members are chosen for and then expected to continue their exemplary contributions to the school and community,” said Ami Amero, chapter advisor, in a news release from the school.

The Forest Hills High School chapter has been active since 1974. Each year the chapter sponsors several service projects for the school and community, which in the past year has included sending holiday cards to veterans at Togus, serving as town ballot clerks on election days, volunteering to serve on local emergency medical services staff, and assisting elderly residents of the community with various activities and tasks.


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