Re: “Travis Mills Foundation buys 12-family apartment complex in Rome,” June 4.

The foundation in Rome abuts Mount Vernon. It is known locally as “la Bastille” for its secrecy and signs forbidding anyone daring to set foot upon its manicured grounds. Friendly? Not so much.

Its recent purchase of a nearby 12-family low- and moderate-income rental complex to accommodate volunteers feels like a good news story but is not: 12 families are being put out on the street. Anyone seeking decent space in a lovely rural area at a low price knows they are out of luck.

Apparently Travis Mills could care less as his foundation applied to our local planning board for approval of this real estate purchase. And got it.  Something fell through the cracks: Namely, how could a non-profit foundation dedicated to rehabilitating wounded veterans turn around and throw out families getting in its expansionist way?

We need answers and we need transparency.

Barbara Skapa

Mount Vernon

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