The establishment of a commission to investigate the circumstances surrounding the horrific results of Robert Card’s deep dive into insanity was, indeed, a most wise action. While I have not thoroughly read every article published regarding the findings as they appear, I believe I have read enough to get a sense that there is a strong desire to identify the key persons whose actions or lack thereof were responsible for allowing this to happen.

I would respectfully suggest that as human beings doing our jobs and living our lives, we are faced with choices and decisions every day. Some are split-second decisions and others are long-term where there is time to consider the factors involved before a decision is actually made.

It seems to me that in this particular case there are so many factors involved that it would be most productive if everyone involved work together to examine the flow of prior decisions.

Admit to actions that had no clear direction as well as those that were perhaps not well advised without trying to place blame. The goal should be to create a clear logical and legal pathway for future eventualities so that those involved are not faced with uncertainty.

Many human errors result from the lack of clear guidelines and being forced to either wing it or do nothing. While some involved in this tragedy may seem more culpable than others, let us recognize the frailties of all humans and provide clear paths to be taken to protect all involved.

Ann Roberts


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