As a volunteer for the Travis Mills Foundation since 2019 and with more than 500 hours performed, I am disturbed over the characterization of the retreat as “la Bastille” and the so-called secrecy “forbidding anyone daring to set foot upon its manicured grounds.”

First of all, it is a “retreat,” defined as “a place of refuge, seclusion or privacy.” The persons served by this retreat are those who, in service to their country (you and me), have suffered incredible physical and psychological wounds, most of them permanent, most of whom require continued care services. This includes persons with military injuries, law enforcement officers and emergency technicians with tragic experiences causing lasting effects, to the extent that they are deserving of a place of refuge where they may participate in recreational activities adapted for persons with serious limitations. The Rome/Mount Vernon area provides a wonderful escape from the challenges of wound recovery. It also provides a place of seclusion for those who care for family members to have a week “away from it all!”

You may want to visit the “forbidden grounds” at an Open House for the public now scheduled for June 30 where you will be educated in just what goes on there and have an opportunity to meet the extraordinary founder of The Travis Mills Foundation. P.S.: Because of the protections of the law, it is not unduly cruel to expect changes in rental agreements when rental property is sold.

Don Marden


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