I must take issue with Jim Fossel’s June 16 op-ed. I don’t often agree with him, but he is on point once in a while in his weekly commentary. In this offering, “Few key takeaways from sleepy state primaries,” he states that Republican primary candidates Mike Soboleski and Austin Theriault, who both support Trump, are “typical mainstream conservative Republicans.” Wrong.

The late, great George Smith was a true conservative Republican, and was critical of Trump, often stating that today’s Republican party, “isn’t the party that I grew up with and was a proud member of.” David Emery and Bill Cohen were mainstream conservative Republicans who led successful, honorable careers representing our state.

The Republican party has devolved into idol worship, and Trump supporters have veered from right wing conservatism into extreme near fascism. Those who fail to see themselves in that light are fooling themselves, but you aren’t fooling anyone else.

Robin Johnson


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