SOMERVILLE — Pumpkin Vine Family Farm is set to host a free conservation event from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday, June 30, at 217 Hewett Road, to discuss simple things people can do in their own yard or back field to support field birds and pollinators.

A juvenile bobolink. Laura Lecker photo

Laura Lecker of Ag Allies will lead a field bird walk from 10-11 a.m., to see what a protected bobolink habitat looks like. People can bring their field glass to get a peek at the whole bobolink family in action.

Entomologist Hannah Mullally of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will lead a pollinator walk from noon-1 p.m., focusing on a pollinator hedgerow of native shrubs, as well as a field border of mixed native flowers, according to a news release from Kelly Payson-Roopchand with the family farm.

A Viceroy Butterfly on a Physocarpus bush. Kelly Payson-Roopchand photo

There will be a variety of local food in the farmers market, and Red Stove Farm will serve a meal between 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Donations to support the conservation work of these two organizations are accepted, as are purchases at the farmers market, to help small local farms continue to protect habitat.

To learn more, visit, find the farm on social media or contact Payson-Roopchand at 207-549-3096 or


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