Blueberry Mountain is one of four hikes planned for the Scenic 7 Hiking Challenge. This hike is scheduled for 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 3, with High Peaks Alliance’s Brent West and Amanda Laliberte. Sam Shirley photo

FARMINGTON — The High Peaks Alliance is launching the Scenic 7 Hiking Challenge, inviting outdoor enthusiasts to embark on an adventure in the heart of Maine’s High Peaks Region.

The challenge features seven landscapes. Participants are required to reach the summits of all four mountains and explore the three scenic trails designated as challenge locations.

Interested individuals can download the Scenic 7 Hiking Challenge booklet from Once completed, participants can return to register as Challenge Champions for a fee of $10, which includes an exclusive patch, sticker, and online member roster listing.

HPA has organized four hikes, on the first Saturday of each month, to kick off the challenge:

• July 6, 9 a.m.: Poplar Stream Falls with Rebecca Goldfine of Maine By Foot;

• Aug. 3, 9 a.m.: Blueberry Mountain with HPA’s Brent West and Amanda Laliberte;


• Sept. 7, 9 a.m.: Perham Stream Birding Trail with Pete McKinley of The Wilderness Society; and

• Oct. 5, 9 a.m.: Forest Legacy with Registered Maine Guide Sam Shirley.

Maine By Foot offers guidance on each of the preserves, highlights swimming opportunities, and provides a list of wheelchair-friendly, all-access trails. All of the Scenic 7 trails can be found on

The High Peaks Alliance also partnered with Maine Trail Finder, an online database for trails in Maine for hiking, walking, snowshoeing, mountain biking, cross-country skiing, and paddling. Participants can log their hikes on Maine Trail Finder to earn the Scenic 7 badge.


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