I have never written an op-ed, nor felt compelled to do so, until now. So many decent and well-respected people are supporting a presidential candidate who is simply the opposite.

Why are so many people supporting former President Donald Trump?

Is it because of his high moral standing? His character? Can’t be, since he:

• makes so many false statements. According to PolitiFact, of 1,000 Trump statements, 76% are mostly false, false, or “pants-on-fire” (not only false, but ridiculous). Additionally, it found that the median rating of those statements was false, that more than 70% of his statements on immigration, foreign policy, COVID-19 and health care scored false or lower, and that 79% of his tweets were false or lower.

• has been found liable for sexual abuse, penalized for fraud and convicted on felony charges

• is disrespectful, making fun of people with disabilities, veterans, women and even resorting to demeaning and vulgar name-calling of opponents


Is it because he is interested in border control? Can’t be, since he:

• tells falsehoods to feed fear rather than good judgment

encouraged lawmakers to vote against a Republican-led, bipartisan agreement designed to help manage border control

Is it because he believes in American democracy? Can’t be, since he:

• tried to overturn the 2020 election, and despite the decisive failure of his election-related lawsuits he filed, continued to tout his victory

• continues to state that Jan. 6 prisoners are hostages and patriots, even though they were found guilty of violent crimes


• states that he will be a dictator from “Day One,” admires Putin, and threatens that if he loses, there will be a “bloodbath”

• disrespects laws and will not accept the actions of our democratic court system when it goes against him

Is it because of his climate concerns and desire to better our planet? Can’t be, since he:

• denies global warming and that climate issues exist

• repealed legislation intending to protect the environment

Is it because he’s a good role model for our youth? Can’t be, since he exhibits a deep lack of moral character in all of his behaviors, decisions, plans and human interactions.


So, why?

Trump’s supporters either believe what he says, despite his proven falsehoods, or don’t care that he lies. If these same supporters would remember Hitler, they might see the similarities between the two: the magnetism, the false promises, the narcissistic traits. Is this repeat of history what they want for our country if Trump is re-elected? Do they really want that? Or are they afraid of threats, violence and ruin if they don’t support him?

Trump supporters say that the economy was better when he was president. There was, in fact, an economic upturn prior to Trump’s administration — something inherited, not born in his time in office. (I saw that first-hand as my now-deceased husband’s business flourished during that time). Post-Trump, the current administration inherited the global COVID-19 pandemic and a national debt that had grown by $8 trillion in only four years. We came through these both without the predicted recession, and much better off than most of the world. Our stock prices have seen record highs, unemployment lows, a decrease in the number of uninsured Americans and the economy has been gradually improving.

How do I answer my original question? Why do so many decent and well-respected people support Trump? Frankly, I just don’t know. I don’t believe Trump supporters want bad things to happen in our country, but I would be lying if I said I understood how they square their own values with this man’s behavior.

If you believe in decency, stability, integrity and democracy, if you want to live in a country where you can state your opinion without fear of retribution, if you want a decent role model for our youth, please consider which candidate possesses these traits as you cast your ballot in November.

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