Social media accounts FB: Representative Katrina Smith; IG: Representative Katrina Smith


B.A., Sociology

Community Organizations: Gun Owners of Maine, Calvary Chapel, Maine Realtors Association

Personal information (hobbies, etc.): I enjoy being in the great outdoors as much as possible, running, gardening, and walking my dogs. With five grown kids and three grandkids my goal is for my husband and I to spend as much time as possible with them.

Family status:


Years in the Legislature: Two

Committee assignments (if elected): Served on the Innovation, Development and Economic Advancement Committee.


1) Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.

Success is listening to my constituents and knowing the problems they are facing on a day-to-day basis and then pursuing legislation that assists them with those problems. In addition to pursuing legislation that assists my constituents I also a voice in the State House that will fight for them against legislation that will harm their families, their businesses and their lives. In the past two years I have stood up firmly for my constituents and success is continuing to be the person they call when they are concerned, need a solution or need guidance on an important issue. Success is always answering the call no matter the persons political party and working together for the benefit of the people.

2) Name one issue the Legislature handled last session. Explain why you agree or disagree with the final outcome.

Net Energy Billing is a measure to incentivize solar construction in Maine with the help of subsidies to the companies building the solar fields. However, these corporate subsidies are paid for by the consumer which means that every single electric customer in the state of Maine is subsidizing solar corporations. This policy has inflated electric bills beyond what my constituents can comfortably afford and is placing our elderly at risk of losing their homes and leaves many having to choose between bills or food. I strongly disagree with this form of Corporate welfare and voted to cease this policy. Unfortunately, net energy billing passed on party lines with the Democrat majority passing it into law.

OPPONENT: Pamela Swift, D-Palermo

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