While Andrew Gruel makes some great points about nutrition and the food system as secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wouldn’t have oversight over nutrition and food systems, no matter his opinions or “platform.” While DHHS does oversee the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, nutrition and food system — agriculture — programs are overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Brooke Rollins, the nominee for USDA secretary, has little experience in agriculture and nutrition, and has promised to “eliminate burdensome and costly regulations” once she’s confirmed, which many industry analysts say will have a negative impact on the health of our food system.

Meanwhile, RFK Jr. has shown he knows little about Medicare and Medicaid, which account for 80% of the DHHS budget, topics he will have to deal with if confirmed.

So, neither confirmation will likely achieve the ideals Gruel hopes for.

Maureen Milliken


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