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Letters to the Editor
  • Published
    August 5, 2011

    Nemitz’s opinion finally has the correct label

    Finally, the good folks at the Kennebec Journal have put the word “Opinion” at the top of Bill Nemitz’s column after his umpteenth article bashing Gov. Paul LePage. Nemitz’s columns routinely adorn the first page of the Local Section of the KJ and pose as commentary. Calling Nemitz’s work “Opinion” is a first step in […]

  • Published
    August 5, 2011

    Fundraiser will help renovate library archives

    The members of the Gardiner Library Association express their appreciation to the Sons of Maine for conducting a fundraising car wash for the library. The group presented the association with almost $250, which will be used for the renovations of the library’s Community Archives Room. This room houses many rare documents, photographs, maps and other […]

  • Published
    August 5, 2011

    Speed traps can help reduce accidents, injuries

    Insurance companies provide grants to cities and towns to help reduce traffic accidents and costly injuries. Used correctly, speed traps are a good way to help reduce accidents and injuries. Traveling down Western Avenue in a 25 mph zone near the airport is about the easiest way for Augusta police to issue citations. Insurance increases […]

  • Published
    August 5, 2011

    Instead of speed trap, police should watch rotary

    I wasn’t one of the many motorists who were ticketed in Augusta on Western Avenue on July 22 but I am wondering how useful such a setup by the police is. It seems more than coincidental that it occurred during the beginning and likely the height of our tourist season. I am not aware of […]

  • Published
    August 5, 2011

    The system must change for economy to improve

    In my opinion, policy to cut public and social services to achieve budgetary goals is the wrong approach. This economist-based direction would license even more profit to the same private financial district and international investors who are already without responsibility to the American citizenry they are dealing for and selling to. The standard of purchasing […]

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  • Published
    August 4, 2011

    GOP wants Social Security, Medicare to close deficit

    The Morning Sentinel editorial board has decided to repeat the conservative mantra that President Barack Obama is to blame for the debacle over the debt ceiling. Perhaps the editors need to be reminded of a few background points. Our Constitution specifically requires that revenue and tax bills originate in the House of Representatives. Speaker John […]

  • Published
    August 4, 2011

    Belongings given away from Skowhegan apartment

    This is a plea for help. My daughter had to leave her apartment in a hurry, and some of her belongings were put under a free sign on the lawn at 13 Center St. in Skowhegan. The items were given away without her knowledge or consent. The belongings included a table with no top and […]

  • Published
    August 4, 2011

    Campaign finance reform will come from the people

    Real campaign finance reform will not come from politicians. Neither Democrats nor Republicans want what is fair. They want the advantage and all the advantage (money) they can get. Corporations and special interest groups have invested billions of dollars in our election process. They currently hold a controlling interest in our government. We, the people, […]

  • Published
    August 4, 2011

    Editorial about Obama’s speech ignored many facts

    I was pretty appalled by the July 27 “Our Opinion” editorial you ran in the Morning Sentinel criticizing the president’s recent television speech. The editorial ignored many facts. President Barack Obama offered a compromise to the Republicans in Congress, one criticized by many in his own party as too generous. It was the hard-core tea […]

  • Published
    August 4, 2011

    Readfield official’s comment insulting to voters

    In the Readfield Public Works re-vote article, Lee Sandler is quoted as saying that he hopes that the 424 citizens who voted to shut down public works are intelligent enough to understand what they were doing. I am one of those 424 voters. I have been a licensed professional engineer practicing civil engineering for more […]